Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Yes, I Stalk Your Facebook

So originally, this was supposed to be kinda a sappy, love poem. But how can you turn something into a sappy, love poem when the first line is "Yes, I stalk your Facebook"? Naturally, it turned into a comical poem.

Yes, I stalk your Facebook,
I admit it to you now.
Please don't get all mad at me,
Or start to have a cow

I'm not a loony or a creep,
I'm simply just a boy
That really likes the things you post
And your pics I do enjoy.

Sure I pressed the friend request
As I saw you from afar.
But do not worry, it's ok
I treat you like a star.

I look through all your pics
And comment on every one
With stuff like "Oh that's really pretty"
Or "Your eyes shine like the sun."

I only message you like every day,
That's really not too bad.
At least I'm not that creepy guy
That'll friend request your dad
(actually, that doesn't sound like a bad idea).

My favorite pic of you on Facebook
Is prolly number 31
Where you are at the football game
And your hair's up in a bun.

And thank goodness for the chat bar
That lets me know you're on.
It tells me when I can talk to you
And also when you're gone.

So yes, I stalk your Facebook,
I admit it to you now.
Please don't delete me from your friend's list
And my stalking disallow.

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