Monday, January 24, 2011

Death, Love, and the Death of Love

The past week or so has been really interesting. I've had two people semi-close to me pass away. The first to pass away was Javi. Javi Thomas was a senior when I was a sophomore in high school. He was a darn good basketball player. He was one of the few upperclassmen on the basketball team (when he was) that talked to me. He died when he crashed his motorcycle. I wasn't extremely close to him, but I cared about him.
Then, I learned that Officer Segoviano died of a heart attack. Officer Segoviano was one of the security officers at my high school. He was a great guy. He was at many of my basketball games, he kept up with everything that I was doing, he made sure the cholos didn't come out and beat me. He was the one that caught me selling cookies at school and told me to keep it on the DL (down-low) so I wouldn't get caught. He was awesome, and it was a shock to hear about his passing. 
So that got me thinking... I haven't had anyone really close to me pass away (and I thank God that hasn't happened). My grandparents are still alive and well, none of my relatives have passed, and my immediate family is healthy with no sign of passing anytime soon. But what would I do if someone I was close to did die? Would I cry? Would I have that expressionless face and show no emotion? How would I react? Would I be angry at the world? 
What will I do when the people I love begin to pass on? Maybe I should just stop loving so this won't happen to me.
Nah, not loving is not a good idea. Love is an excellent idea. "'Tis better to have loved and lost than never loved at all." Something like that; I've never been good at quoting people. But love is great even when you've lost your love. Yeah sure it stings for a while, sometimes a very long while, but there are more people, more things to love. 
But love has become this item that people play with. People play with love and break hearts with no intention of healing. A girl tosses a piece of love to 20 guys and drives all of them insane, all of them thinking they have her love, only to find out none of them ever did. A boy gives his heart to a girl, only to wrench it from her hands and give it for a moment to another girl, and then have the audacity to try and give that heart back. 
True love has become dead. When was the last time you saw true love on a TV show? Back in the 60's with stuff like The Dick Van Dyke Show, or Andy Griffith. Not people giving themselves away to that gorgeous blond walking down the street. 
Wow, I just really went off on a tangent. From death to my rant on what love has become.
I'm a believer in true love. I'm a believer in finding someone who loves you no matter what you do. Granted, even in true love, hearts must be broken. But hearts aren't broken because you intentionally wrench it out of someone's hands and pass it around. Hearts are broken because you realize it isn't quite true love. 
Have a I found true love? Haha, no. Am I an expert on true love? Yes. I believe I'm an expert on true love. No, no, I'm not an expert on true love. No one is. You can live your whole life and never really know what true love is.
Am I looking for true love? You bet I am. I look everyday for true love. And I think I've found it. Then again, I've said that before, only to have my heart broken. Oh well. Broken hearts come with love.
I'm such a sappy guy. Actually not really. I'm just in one of those moods. 
My friends, God bless. 

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