Monday, October 31, 2011

OOOOOO Spooky Halloween Letter!!

Hey everyone!!!

So what I meant from I don't hear anything from my sibs is that they hadn't sent me an e-mail in forever or a letter. And that was the e-mail I sent like years ago (okay, fine 2 weeks, but still).

I'm glad you love Sis. Martin because, well, I love Sis. Martin. And I'm glad you're keeping me in your prayers with my surgery and not in everything else. Haha just kidding.

Yes, I heard my cousin is engaged, Granny JoAnny told me. And I called it first. You heard it first from me. It was me that said it first. Let me direct you to what I said the last week I was in the MTC: "I saw Kelly with her future fiance today at the MTC." Yeah, I think I wrote that to dad or something. But yeah, I knew it would happen.

We have some beautiful decorations in our apartment. I think they're beautiful. And tomorrow we're decorating the apartment for Christmas!! Yay!!!

So we're doing a very good job of teaching lessons. We have had between 17 and 20 lessons per week this month. We're doing a bad job of getting investigators to church. Yesterday we had one. Last week 0. Yeah, I dunno what it is. Here, it is so easy to commit people to baptism but a huge thing to get them to actually come to church. We're working on that.

We were teaching this kid to pray and I told him that we had to be thankful for things. We had to express our thanks for things, for our food, our clothes, our house, and our money. I started giggling a little bit hehehe.

I have to tell you about Kenny, the 3 year old kid of Darwin, one of our members. Yesterday, we were asked to go and give a blessing to them. We get in there, he says "Daddy, me van a bautizar" (Daddy, they're gonna baptize me) and he puts his hands on Elder Hawke's head. We were confused and then Darwin was like "Esta diciendo que le va a dar una bendicion" (He means, they're going to be giving me a blessing). So then Kenny says "Tiene las llaves?" (Do you have the keys?). We were like dang this kid is three years old and he is asking if we have the priesthood keys to give a blessing. After a few minutes, we realized he meant an oil vial. He thought we used keys to give a blessing because normally you have the oil vial on your keychain. So he was asking if we had the "keys" when he actually meant if we had the oil on the keychain. It was pretty funny. But we gave the blessings and it was nice.

There's a thrift store we went to last Monday called "It's a Wrap!" Basically, all the movie and television studios here give all the stuff they don't auction off to this thrift store. They have stuff from like Suite Life of Zach and Cody, High School Musical, and yes, NCIS. It was a lot of fun, because since it's Halloween, they had the costumes out. Which was a lot of fun to try on. Elder Hawke bought a yamalkha.

Speaking of yamalkha, we found out yesterday why some Jews wear yamalkhas and why some Jews wear top hats. The Jews that wear top hats are European Jews that most of the time wear yamalkhas underneath. It's just sort of a tradition thing that's just kinda stuck over the years.

We have a lot of squirrels in our area. I think we might have hit one with our car. We also have a lot of Jews and Armenians, but we try not to hit those with our car. I don't think I even knew what an Armenian was when before I came here. They don't like us too much.

We were talking the other day and Elder Hawke did a lot of musical theater growing up. We talked about the King & I and a couple of thoughts ran across my mind. "My cup of tea" for Brian, and Jordan farting when Mr. Maldonado was mad.

Well, I think that's about it. Say hi to everyone.

Con amor,
Elder Nathan Gruenewald

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