Thursday, October 27, 2011

I live 1/2 mile from CBS Television Studios

Dear Family and everyone else,
This will be a shorter e-mail because, well, I don't have much time. And I still have to e-mail president.
Actually, I may just reserve the computer for another hour and take ten minutes to finish e-mailing.
Yes, my surgery is finally scheduled. After many moons of anguish and torment, my day of deliverance is nigh. Novemeber 7th. Yay!

I knew about Jocie going to see Taylor Swift. Granny JoAnny spilled the beans to me. Glad she enjoyed it.
Sounds like everything is going great with the kids and the adults.

Kayla never sent her care package to me.... She's never getting a letter from me :p

Hooray for dad becoming YM president. I think he'll do great. We're having a big shake up in our ward with the auxilliaries. Our bishop is finally feeling ready to take out everything from the old bishop and have a fresh start with his own ideas. He's been in for about nine months now (after an emergency bishop change, so he was just kinda thrown in there without any notice). We have a new YM president, a new YW presidency and he confided in us missionaries that there are more changes on the way. He wouldn't say what though.

Well, the rumors are actually about next transfer. We already had our first transfer like 3 weeks ago, and then like the day after that first transfer, the rumors started. Kinda crazy how fast things start. But the rumors for this transfer won't be known until 3 weeks from now. And I think that more rumors will start when we have our interviews with Pres. Martin tomorrow. Fun stuff.

Mom, you would be totally shocked by my hair. You would probably say that a missionary should never have a hair cut like mine. "It's too long and shaggy." But Pres. Martin specifically stated that a 2 all the way around is too short for a missionary. So ha. Actually, I'll be getting a haircut this Thursday. Plus, I like my hair length.

This week has been one of the craziest weeks, and unfortunately, I cannot tell the stories over the internet. I know I sent a letter to dad today containing the one story that was just crazy but I don't think I should share that one.

And there are other disturbing stories. Like the time we went to a new investigators house and the 15 year old son was watching pornographic material while his mother and aunt (who is a member) was in the room. He felt so awkward and turned it off.

One of the problems we've had is getting our investigators to church. The past two weeks we've had no one at church. And it's sad. But we're trying our hardest.

We were afraid Fernanda dropped us yesterday, but we stopped by and were able to talk with her. This whole weekend she spent with her dad because it was his birthday, so she couldn't go to church.

As for Heliot, well Elder Hawke's "love affair" (as the hermanas like to call it) with him was rekindled. We're progressing really well with his daughter (no love affair there) who loves for us to come over. She's 14 and reminds me a lot of Jocie. She's normally very shy (ok, that doesn't remind me of Jocie), but always talkative when we are over. Kinda reminds me of Jocie when the missionaries are over and how she's always talkative and fli- Ok, I won't say it.

As for our other investigators, things are going really slow. We're trying to find a lot of people, but it is hard. We can't go knocking very much. There's no place to street contact. It's tough. But we're trying.

So just in case you guys were wondering, or curious, The Office is filmed about 1/2 a mile from where I live. You probably don't even know what The Office is (with Steve Carrell) but a lot of people think it's funny. And a lot of people up at BYU like it.

And NCIS is filmed at the CBS Studios in my area. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Be jealous.
At least I think it is.

Elder Herrera says hi.

And as I was looking at the map the other day, I noticed that North Beverly Hills is in our area. We never go down there, it's just something nice to say.

I know my area is called North Hollywood, but it's nothing like the Hollywood you think of when they say Hollywood. It reminds me more of the Lower Valley.

I was sick all day Friday. We tried to work, but about 5:00pm I couldn't do it anymore. So we came back and I took a nap. Then about 6:40pm I wanted to go work again, but Elder Hawke wouldn't let me. I tried to get him to go, but gave up around 8:15pm, then I went back to bed, and slept for 14 hours to try and get the sickness out of me.

Well, that's about it.

Love ya guys.
Elder Nathan Gruenewald

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