Yes, folks, this is the moment I know you all have been waiting for. The best and worst of this week, January 29-February 4! Enjoy the cheers and the jeers from the past seven days.
1. Monday- Monday was a most excellent day for me. Everything that could go right, seemed to go right. Refer to this post for more information.
2. Tuesday- Despite all the bad things that happened on Tuesday, I will say that did not draw away from the happiness I felt on Monday. I was just as happy.
3. Ice skating- Ice skating was so much fun. Girls from 3200 DJ, guys from Merrill, I saw mi amor, and just had a blast skating around.
5. NCIS- Dear NCIS, you have truly made up for what you did to me last week. Not only did you come out with a new episode, you also played a re-run of one of my favorite episodes. Thank you for your improvement.
6. Intramural basketball- Now, this is a surprise. In the past, I have hated intramural basketball. But when you are playing with a good team, having a little success, and not being a recently cut BYU basketball player, intramural basketball is a little better.
7. Poor recordings of your piano playing from your laptop- So I tried recording some of the songs I'm learning on my laptop. The sound quality isn't very good, but at least I can record something. I'll post a few later (hopefully).
9. Cannon Center socializing/watching people- It's so much fun just staying in the Cannon Center and talking with people and watching all the weird people that go through. Or the cute girls that walk through.
10. Mission Calls- This will be in the Top 10 for a long time. Congrats to Christian Bateman- Mozambique Maputo Mission; Kevin Miller- Brazil Campinas; Stephen Patterson- England Leeds (speaking Mandarin Chinese); Oliver Papa- Buenos Aires, Argentina
1. Sunday- Sunday was just a really bad day for me. I was really sick. I spent about 16 hours in bed, feeling extremely fatigued, chills, fever. Not fun.
2. Cavity fillings- Who likes having a dentist's hands in your mouth, with a drill, doing stuff to your teeth while you are fully conscious of what is going on? If only I had a brain
4. Girls attempting to do the gallon challenge- Girls should not be allowed to chug a gallon of milk in an hour. It's bad enough when they try to do it. Even worse when they try it in the lobby of a guy's hall and puke in our trash cans. Even worse when they leave an open half-full milk jug. Yeah, our lobby smelled the next day.
5. Budge Hall- Budge Hall, once again you are in the bottom 10. Once again, the water heater has broken this week.
6. El Paso school districts- Three days of school cancelled because of three inches of snow. 'Nuff said.
7. Mail- It's great receiving mail... Just not from your insurance or your dentist telling you how much they appreciate your money. I did get something from grandma: Newspaper clippings about Jimmer.
8. Jimmermania- Ok, now Jimmer is great, don't get me wrong. And for a couple of days the Jimmer jokes were great ("Chuck Norris wears Jimmer pajamas"). But it's been over a week since the SDSU game and yet the Jimmer craziness is getting a little out of hand. All the bromances and man crushes everyone has an Jimmer. I was a culprit of this for a while, but now it's just kinda annoying. The pic of the week is of a true, unannoying Jimmer fan though, just hold on.
9. My inability to get girl's numbers- I swear, this is becoming a real concern...
10. Egypt- Just watch the news and you'll see why it's once again in the bottom 10.
Song of the Week
Fallin' For You- Colbie Caillat- Just a good overall song.
Video of the Week
Sorry about some of the language in this song. There's two questionable words in it but it's really true.
Pic of the Week
This is a true Jimmer fan.
And that's this weeks best and worst of the week.
My friends, God bless.
And that's this weeks best and worst of the week.
My friends, God bless.
Okay, so I keep seeing your blog posts and status updates talking about asking girls for their numbers and and on really need to get on that. Okay? Okay.