Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Happy, Happy, Happy Day

So I have no idea why, but I've been really happy recently. I can't seem to figure it out.
Sunday I was in the pit of despair. I was lying in bed pretty much all day, sick, no energy. It felt terrible.

Then, I had a terrible night's sleep Sunday night/Monday morning. I slept for a grand total of four hours, and had a weird dream that I was kidnapped by a terrorist group, had a bomb strapped to me, then told to go take over David John Hall. Then in my dream, I ate tacos while taking over the hall. Yeah, kinda random dream.

I woke up Monday morning at 6:30 because I thought 6:30 would give me enough time to get a big breakfast (I ate two cookies and a bag of cheetos on Sunday). I get ready for the day, and get to breakfast at 7:00.

Breakfast was wonderful. For the first time, I was the first one to arrive at our breakfast club (normally I arrive when everyone leaves). I had a big breakfast with friends and then went to class. Then I went to class, and was actually pretty awake for the whole class. Physical Science I felt stupid because I kept getting answers wrong for out test review (which I was to take a couple of hours later). After that, I went back to my dorm and took a nap.

When I woke up from my nap, I went crazy. Suddenly, I was smiling all over the place, I was singing cheerful songs (to the dismay of many), and I was just really happy. Who tainted my food with drugs?

I went to my mission prep class and I was just happy. I went to organ class and I was just happy. I skipped my way back to the Cannon Center to eat lunch.

At lunch, I was just happy. I saw a heart made of napkins and got all excited. I was smiling, smiling, smiling everywhere. I was giving hugs to everyone I knew. I had two large pieces of German chocolate cake (yummy!). I didn't have a care in the world.

I continued my joy, bothering Jon and Justice with my happiness while they were trying to study (sorry). Then, I went to go take my Physical Science test, and I got an A, which just made me 

So I won't tell you anymore about my happiness. But one question comes to mind: Why was I so happy? No one did anything really spectacular for me. Nothing of great importance happened. I just woke up and was happy! Why? 

Now, I'm not complaining. I'd love to feel like this everyday. But I need to find out how I triggered it so that when I'm down in the dumps, I can just do whatever I did to feel happy. Fortunately, my happiness has continued through today, despite having to do laundry, the -1 degree wind chill, and having to go to the dentist to get a filling. It has been a pleasant day despite the bad things I've had to deal with.

So, my friends, be happy. I hope my happiness rubs off on you a little bit so you too can be happy. Sing a song. Go out with friends. Relax today and only do the things that are really important. Go ask that person on a date that you've always wanted to go on a date with (which I probably should do). 

Enjoy your life. Don't get caught up so much in all the hustle and bustle of everyday living that you forget to have fun. All work and no play made Jack a pretty dull boy.

And just smile :)

My friends, God bless. 

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