So, enjoy the cheers and jeers of the week of February 18-25.
1. Preference dance- Preference dance was most excellent. The dance we went to was a Peter Pan themed dance, so we went to DI and picked out a Peter Pan costume for me and a Wendy costume for her. Not gonna lie, the costumes turned out really good. And the dance was just awesome. So much fun. I'm glad she asked me to the dance.
2. Mission Papers- Finally started my mission papers. Earliest I can turn them in is March 1st, and the soonest I'll know is probably March 16th.
4. Deseret Industries- Every broke college student's favorite place. See #1.
5. BYU got Jimmered- So, there were posters everywhere announcing Jimmer would be in the Wilk on Thursday, signing autographs, taking pictures. Hundreds of people showed up, news crews were there. Everyone knew about it- except for Jimmer. Turns out someone put up a bunch of fake posters. To those of you that actually went- You got Jimmered!
6. Inception- I saw Inception for the first time. I think it's worthy of a spot in the top ten. Excellent movie. I did not like the ending at all because I like closure in my movies. But I realize that that's the only way that movie could have ended.
8. Valentine's Day- Not gonna lie, Valentine's Day wasn't too bad. It was fun to just be around friends, send little valentine cards to girls, and receiving valentine cards from others. Not bad.
9. Mission shout-outs- Wow, I've kinda lost track of all the mission calls. I know I missed some people so please forgive me (and remind me) if I forgot you. Jon Rogers- Brazil Santa Maria (Portuguese); Chris Hair- Ukraine (Russian); Kevin Miller- Brazil Campinas (Portuguese).
10. CSI- It sometimes isn't a good idea to have your guest star killed during an episode, at least in my opinion. Unless, of course, that guest star is Justin Beiber. CSI, you have made every man in America much happier.
1. Unknown, conflicting relationship statuses- Ok, my rant begins. You don't tell someone you are just friends and then turn around and begin acting like boyfriend. You don't tell a girl you are just friends and lead her on like you are boyfriend and girlfriend. It's just not a good thing to do. I don't care if this happens to me; I've had it happen before. But I hate to see it happen to any pretty girl, where a guy leads them on. Hearts are broken, tears are shed, really only bad things come out of it. Ok, done ranting.
2. People that egg my window- Someone egged my window. Jerk.
3. Single's Awareness Day/Single's Discrimination Day- Not to be confused with Valentine's Day, Single's Awareness Day leads every single person down a path of misery. It's not fun watching all these couples so happy together when, well, one person doesn't quite make a couple. Oh well.
4. My insurance company- If we were to say that the amount of mail you get from someone is equivalent to how much someone loves you, my insurance company has loved me more in the past month than anyone has ever loved me. Except they never say "with love," "sincerely," or any other kind closing remark. Heck, they don't even say "Dear Mr. Gruenewald." They just dive right into the letter.
6. Cleaning my room- Oh boy, we had cleaning checks the other day. And I was in charge of cleaning the room because, well, my roommate was unavailable at the time (he was in Brazil). As a result of the mold growing in the bottom of the sink, leftover soda in the fridge, and the mirror that looked absolutely nothing like a mirror anymore, my place was declared an emergency disaster area by the state of Utah. So I donned a Hazmat suit, armed myself with a bottle of Windex and paper towels, and set myself to work.
7. Looking for a job here- I'm trying to find a job this spring here in Utah. If you know of anything, let me know because I have found nothing. Hopefully, it's just because jobs haven't opened up yet.
8. Looking for housing here- Looking for housing is just as much of a hassle as looking for a job. But at least I have an idea of where I want to stay for spring.
10. Intentionally stupid people- 'Nuff said. They just annoy me beyond imagination.
Song of the Week
If I Were a Rich Man- Topol- We watched a clip from Fiddler on the Roof during Econ class and it reminded me about how weird and funny this song is. I love it haha.
Video of the Week
Why the American education system is better than the world's, according to Miss Teen South Carolina. Too funny.
Pic of the Week
I wish I could make a snow castle like this.
There you have it. The top of the week, only a day late. Sorry about that.
My friends, God bless.