Wednesday, September 21, 2011

September 6 Ideas,Thoughts and Observations

Hey everyone (I've grown tired of writing all the names),

So, I got all my mail like last Thursday. It was like 10 letters, so forgive me for reprimanding ya'll for not writing.

I write on Tuesday instead of Monday because we had to switch our P-Day to Tuesday. More on that later.

Things out here are going great. I am loving life, I am loving the obra misional, I am loving the people. It is awesome.

We have some really great investigators. Elizabeth and Heliot have really progressed and we have a baptismal date for Elizabeth on the 25th. Heliot still has a little bit to go before we can extend a baptismal invitation. But both have progressed, both are going to church consistently. both will be baptized soon. Hopefully...

Had my first experience tocando puertas (knocking doors). Elder Hawke says it is a lot harder to tocar puertas here than anywhere else in the mission because there are so many apartment complexes that like to kick us out and there are very few Latino homes. For example, we got kicked out of one apartment complex and had no luck knocking other doors. So most of our new investigators come from former investigators. We very very rarely get any media or member referrals. We're working on the members.

Actually, the members here give so much support to us missionaries. Hermana Salegio has helped out a lot with Elizabeth. She tries to come as much as she can to our lessons with her, she takes Elizabeth to church every Sunday, she is a really great friend to Elizabeth. And they both have like the same story. They are both from El Salvador, they both have a daughter, they both were opposed to the church when they first received it. It's pretty cool.

Sometimes, though, it's best not to have members in our lessons. Last Sunday, we asked if we could visit Heliot with Hno. Casco. We were all ready for our cita (appointment) with him, when a couple hours before, Hno. Casco cancelled, said he couldn't make it. We scrambled to find someone else to replace him. Finally, about 10 minutes before our cita, we decided that the Lord didn't want a member to be at our cita with Heliot, and left it in his hands. We are so glad that we did not have a member there. Heliot really opened up to us, told us about the difficulties of raising 3 kids (1 set of rambunctious 10 year old twin boys and a girl), how he lost his first child after he lived only a few weeks, and the rough divorce he had just gone through. It was the first time he really talked openly with us. Now he trusts us, so it's going really good.

But with members, it's sometimes a little difficult. We told Elizabeth not to worry about what she was wearing as long as she wore something modest and respectful because she didn't have a falda (dress? I think) to wear or some nice dress pants. So she wore some nice jeans and a nice blouse. Unfortunately, the topic at sacrament meeting that day was modesty in our apparel, and the lady that spoke ripped apart anyone that was wearing jeans to church. We had some damage control to do.

Another story... So we went out going to find new investigators. We went out to go find this one person that lived in this mobile home park. So we looked and looked and found it. We knocked on the door, and this young man, 18 years old, comes to the door. He speaks English so we talk to him. Find out his name is Ulysses. His parents are from Mexico and El Salvador. We are able to have a good doorstep conversation with him, and invite him to read the Book of Mormon. Elder Hawke only had a Spanish copy. But I, for some reason or another, had packed away an English copy of the Book of Mormon and we gave that to him. I think I had packed it away because we were supposed to have a lesson in English with one of our less active members, but we ended up giving that lesson in Spanish. We also found out that he has a really busy schedule, that he works full-time at Jack in the Box and also goes to school and has a girlfriend, and it is really hard to find him, so we were lucky to find him at home. So we teach Ulysses in his home, invite him to read and pray, and he gives us his word (he said it pretty firmly too, so I believe him).  When we got home later that day, we reviewed the day, talked about Ulysses. We looked at the area book at the investigator we were supposed to visit and we realized that we had knocked at the wrong address, at the wrong home. This is like by far the coolest story I have for this week.

Something else that's cool, Alice Larson you'll love this. Our stake center has one of the coolest pipe organs. I mean, it's not as grand as the Conference Center pipe organ, but it's so much fun. I got to play it yesterday, and I loved it! Pres. Martin gave me the key to open the console and open the door to the pipes and stuff. It does need some fixing up, but Pres. Martin said whatever is wrong with it, just to e-mail him about what is wrong and he will tell the facilities managers to get someone to fix it. So that's what I'm going to be doing as soon as I am done with this e-mail. But I get to go into the back and see all the pipes, show people what a pipe organ is like, show them all the pipes. It was awesome!

Yesterday we had what's called a mission tour, where a general authority comes and tours the mission. Elder Golden from the Seventy came. It was good. We learned about planning, becoming a better missionary, the good stuff. Talked about doctrinal questions that we had. Explained to us why we have key indicators as missionaries. Excellent.

So I've got some pictures. I'm just hoping they're the right pictures. I can't preview them on here. Dumb stuff huh. One is of me and my MTC companion, Elder Schoenfeld (the one where I am wearing an orange tie and no suit). One is of me and my MTC district. One is of me and Elder Morga (the one where I am wearing a suit). Mom, that's Lori's friend that you met and thought we would see each other in the MTC. Well, we were in the same zone. Another is of me and the Budge Boys (the one by the map). And one is of me and Sis. Mullen. I would add more pictures, but there's a limit on here, and we only have one cord for all the missionaries that want to send pictures to their parents. 

Well, that's all. I have 10 minutes to write my mission president.

Love you.

Elder Nathan Gruenewald

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