Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Library Closed on Labor Day....?

Hey Mom, Dad, Brian, Joclyn JoAnn, Jordan, Chico, and all other family and friends reading this e-mail,

     Sorry I was unable to e-mail yesterday. Libraries were closed for Labor Day, so we were unable to get that done at the library. But today the libraries are open, and thus we were given permission to e-mail today.
     A lot has been going on this week. We have been working hard to help the obra misional (missionary work, for all ye non-Spanish speakers) grow here in North Hollywood. We go out to work sometime around noon or 1 and generally don't get home until about 9:30 at night (we're supposed to be home at 9, but if we get permission from the district leader, we can be out until 9:30. And since Elder Hawke is the district leader, we always have permission).
     But yeah, missionary work is just awesome. The people here are just awesome. The only thing I have to remember is never to call them Mexican. Most of the people here are not Mexican. Most of the immigrants are people from El Salvador and Guatemela who came about 20 years ago when some wars were going on in those two countries. They tend to get offended when I accidentally call them Mexican. So I have to get used to calling them Latinos or Hispanos.
     We do run into the occasional Mexican, and that's when I'm at my best. I'm able to connect a lot more with the Mexican community than with the El Salvadorian or the Guatemalteco (that's what they're called in Spanish) community. I just talk about how I live 10 minutes from Mexico, that I could throw a rock into Mexico from my middle school (ok, so that's not entirely true, but it really is a stone throw away) and how dangerous it's become and how our temple is in Mexico. Once I talk about the temple, it's an easy transition into gospel topics. Guess I kinda found my niche with the Mexicans. With the El Salvadorians, I talk about pupusas, an El Salvadorian delicacy that are pretty common around here. And with the Guatemaltecos, well, I still haven't really found anything. I just talk about someone I know that served in the Quetzaltenango Mission, which shows I know a little bit more than just Guatemala City. But I'm still trying to find out how best to approach Guatemaltecos and El Salvadorians. Eh, I've got 23 more months to figure it out.
     Speaking of which, can you guys find out where Bro. Diaz served his mission? I'm pretty sure it was Guatemala but for some reason, I also think it was Nicaragua. Just let me know.
     As for the actual missionary work, the past week was really successful for us. We had 9 new investigators, which was really really really good. And we have a couple more people that we still need to teach, which would add to our new investigator pool. Most of our new investigators came from former investigators. We have two investigators that have really progressed and we think can be baptized in September. One of those investigators has 3 kids, so that would be really awesome to bring that whole family closer to Jesus Christ through baptism. We also had 4 investigators at church on Sunday, which also was really good.
     Yesterday for P-Day, we went on a hike up in the mountains as a zone activity. Kinda reminded me of an El Paso hike, where we find a tiny little stream of water, call that an amazing thing of natural beauty, and want to take a huge hike to bask in the serenity of mother nature. It was still really fun. We have a really great zone, and we get along very great. They are so much fun to be around and I love all the other missionaries. Afterwards, with our district, we went to the park and just kinda hung out. Played cards. Talked about stuff. I really love our district too. We're a very diverse group of people. 2 Mexicans, 1 Canadian, 1 Colombian, 2 Texans (cuz you know, Texas is its own country) and one Idahoian (Idahoan? Idahote? Eh, who cares. It's only Idaho). It's fun stuff.
I just realized how much I love using parentheses.
     Oh, we invited one of our investigators to the zone activity. And he came... kinda. We all met up at the church building and were gonna drive up to the park near the trailhead. Only, he got lost. And we all got to the park and he didn't. And there was really bad cell phone reception at the park. So we couldn't find him. Elder Hawke and I felt so bad. And this was one of our investigators that has really progressed. So we hope he doesn't hate us because of it. That would be terrible.
Like I said last week, the members love to feed us. And it's really really really good food. It's funny because it's always pollo, arroz, tortillas y frijoles (chicken, rice, tortillas, and beans). I'm not complaining one bit. I absolutely love it. Just one of those things that I thought I should point out.
     Wellllllllllllll, I can't think of much else to write. Please write letters to the mission office (which is the address on my facebook notes). Especially those of you at BYU or UVU or wherever that have just recently moved into a new apartment because I don't have your new apartment address (*cough cough* Kelsey Louise Allan, Dana Allan, Beka Altorefer, Rachel Kelley and all you others who know who you are). Once I get a letter from there, I can give you guys my return apartment address so I don't have to wait a whole week to get the letters.
     Mom and dad, you guys can send me e-mails through here. It's okay, that's approved. And actually, I think any family member can.
     That's all folks. Miss you guys and hope you guys are doing well.

Con amor,
       Elder Nathan Gruenewald

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