Monday, January 23, 2012

January 23

Dear Family,
This week was a really rough week for us as far as our numbers, but if you were to look at the number of miracles we had this week, our numbers are through the roof.

Nicolas is doing great. He wasn't able to go to church this past Sunday. This past Sunday was stake conference, so really it was hard for anyone to get any investigators to church. We set a firm baptismal date for the 5th of February and he seems really excited to get baptized. In fact, he wants his wife to start taking the lessons, though he says that she's a really hard-headed person and probably wouldn't change right now.
We were able to find what seem to be some really good investigators with really good potential. We found one lady named Isabel who said she recently became very religious and is spiritually hungry and looking for the right religion. We also found another lady named Lilian (both actually live in the same complex) yesterday who was wondering why there were so many churches. We didn't have a lot of lessons, but all the lessons we had were quality lessons. It was excellent.

I was actually sick over the weekend a little bit. I had a major headached Saturday and Sunday. I attribute it to the flickering lights that we have in our apartment. Ever since I've had my concussions, flickering lights (strobe lights, lights that just go on and off, etc.) just really give me a headache, and the lights in my bathroom have been flickering a lot. It hasn't been fun. We have to get it checked out by the housing coordinators.
Yesterday was stake conference and it was one of those broadcasted stake conferences. It was pretty good. Elder Perry spoke, Pres. Snow of the Presidency of the Seventy (who also was the former mission president here in the San Fernando Mission) also spoke and Barbara Thompson spoke. It was good and translated into Spanish.

It's snowing today. Okay, so it's more like really cold and raining and every once in a while we see a "raindrop" that's fluttering and not following the normal line of rain. So we call it snow.

So that compliment by Coach Floyd gives me a lot to think about when I come back from my mission. I'm not too concerned about it right now, but you know, whatever.

Oh, we had interviews with Pres. Martin this past Wednesday for the zone. I just want to tell you how much I love that man. He is just an awesome person. It was a very good interview. I will most likely be staying here in North Hollywood 5th for another transfer. It was funny, that conversation. "Elder Gruenewald, you've been in your 'greeny' area for a long time. How long have you been here?" "This is my fourth transfer." "Holy cow, Elder Gruenewald! You've been here a long time!" "Haha, yes, president." "We need to get you out of here. The only problem is that none of the missionaries in the ward have the relationship that you have with the ward. We'd have to find a good missionary to replace you." I paused for a moment. "President, I feel like I need to stay here for one more transfer." He looked at me in the eye, thought for a few seconds and said "Are you willing to train?" Pause. "Yes, president." "Well, it's settled then." So now it's a pretty sure thing that I will be staying here and training again, unless a major development unfolds.

So I heard about my jury duty notice, but I still haven't gotten anything from dad... Hopefully that comes within the next 35 minutes.

Yes, I got the package.

Well, this is a short letter. Not too many other things to tell you about. Thrift stores here have the greatest selection of ties. Thrift stores here are awesome... when you can find the things in my size...

Have fun.
Con amor,
Elder Nathan Gruenewald

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