Tuesday, December 27, 2011

December 5, 2011

Hi Everyone,

     Sounds like everything is going good.
     We decorated our Christmas tree... It has one ornament because we can't afford anything more. We found some stockings, so we hung those on the tree too. We found a few pine cones, stuck them in the tree. It's a wonderful tree.
     So we did have wind, not as bad as what you saw on the news. Yeah it was pretty windy. And no, I haven't felt an earthquake. I kinda want to though. And for an earthquake, you don't run to the doorways, you crouch down next to the sofa. At least, that's what everyone at the mission office tells us to do. And I trust the mission office more when it comes to earthquakes because they have experience with this.
     Training and DL'ing are both really fun but really tough. I am having a blast with Elder Bushman but I also feel really bad because I don't have much that I can teach him because I'm learning just as much as he is. That's why I requested exchanges tomorrow with the zone leaders, so that I can learn some things from the zone leaders and gain some experience with them and be able to teach Elder Bushman the things that I learned.
     It was cool, because Elder Herrera (one of the zone leaders) taught me a good way to get into someone's home for the first time. Just tell them you want to offer a prayer in their home and most people are qilling to allow you to do that. And then you spend the next 20 minutes telling them how important prayer is and how great prayer is and stuff like that. It works.
     List of birthdays would be nice. I can never remember when mom was born. For all I know, we were still in the Dark Ages when she was born...Kidding... kinda :P
     Dad told me about Jordan's voice changing and how it makes it kinda funny when you guys tease him. Wish I was there to see that haha.
     Speaking of Christmas, Tina has become quite a celebrity in our district with her rendition of "Oh, Christmas Tree." Now, every time anyone in our district sees a Christmas tree, we sing "Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree... nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, BRANCHES!!!"
     Ok, now to investigators.
     We're doing a lot of finding because I'm kinda tired of the lack of progression of our current investigators. We've found two new families that we hope will progress. We're doing a lot of knocking (which, I can only do for about 3 hours at a time because of the hernia). So, our numbers don't look too good (especially the investigators at church: another 0) but we're working hard and that's all that matters to me.
     The hernia doesn't bug me unless I do a lot of walking.
     We had to drop Heliot about two weeks ago. The next day in church, one of the hermanas' investigators asked me about Heliot and why he wasn't coming to church. So, that was kinda weird. Then, a week and a half later, we saw him while we were eating cena at a members' home because he was buying pupusas from a member. Totally random. So, we think God is trying to tell us to pick him back up again...
     Pupusas- mom you would be disgusted by the way we have to eat these. With our hands, all messy. Mmmmm but they are so good. El Salvadorian delicacy.
     Have a fun week.

Con amor,
Elder Nathan Gruenewald

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